"The writing and the thought that propels it is the desire for a radically different order than the one in which we're living."
Saidiya Hartman, On Working with the Archives, 2018
Saidiya Hartman, On Working with the Archives, 2018
2024. "Urban Renewal in Northern Virginia" in Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities.
Read the essay: https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/urban-renewal-in-northern-virginia/.
2023. "Tearing Down and Building Up: A History, Theory, and Practice of Abolitionist Housing Justice in the US," in Handbook on Planning and Power, eds., Michael Gunder, Tanja Winkler, and Kristina Grange. Elgar.
Read the chapter: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2Ei-EAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA211&dq=info:5ejs4GeL6bYJ:scholar.google.com&ots=yZiMLFbiah&sig=Du-HSehqGtCaeIb0hirN6FP6jmg#v=onepage&q&f=false.
2022. "Reaping What We Sow: The Decolonizing Root of Black Experiments with Cooperative Housing and Land Tenure," in Interface: Housing For People, Not For Profit - Models of Community-Led Housing, ed., Lisa Bates, Planning Theory & Practice 23 (2). DOI:10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784
Read the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784?src=.
2022. "Continuum of Carcerality: How Liberal Urbanism Governs Homelessness," Radical Housing Journal 4 (1): 71-94. Co-authored with Ananya Roy, Ashley Bennett, Annie Powers, and Sam Lutzker, on behalf of the After Echo Park Lake Research Collective.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2022/continuum-of-carcerality/.
2022. (Dis)Placement: The Fight for Housing and Community After Echo Park Lake. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. Co-authored with Ananya Roy et al.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/70r0p7q4.
2021. "Black Landscapes Matter Asks Why Black Landscapes Are Separate from Landscape Design," The Architect's Newspaper Book Review.
Read the book review: www.archpaper.com/2021/10/black-landscapes-matter-black-landscapes-are-separate-landscape-design/.
2021. "Book Review - Public Los Angeles: A Private City's Activist Futures," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45 (3): 525-526.
Read the book review: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2427.13020.
2020. "Black Study and Abolition," The Black Agenda Report Book Forum.
Read the essay: https://www.blackagendareport.com/bar-book-forum-black-study-and-abolition-5.
2020. For the Crisis Yet to Come: Temporary Settlements in the Era of Evictions. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy as part of the Housing Justice in the Age of COVID-19 series. Co-authored with Gary Blasi.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3tk6p1rk.
2020. "Towards Justice: A Communique from Los Angeles," Radical Housing Journal 2 (1): 163-172. Co-authored with Ananya Roy and Hannah Appel.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2020/towards-justice/.
2020. "'We're Here, We Ain't Hiding, We Ain't Going Nowhere': How Community Land Trusts and Solidarity Economies are the Latest Strategies for Black Liberation in Mississippi," Deem Journal 1: 54-57.
Read the essay: deem_winter_2020_-_jan_31_2020_-_2-40_pm.pdf.
2019. "Towards a Praxis of Housing Justice: Provocations for Reflection and Action." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in Housing Justice in Unequal Cities, Ananya Roy and Hilary Malson (eds.), p. 37-42. Co-authored with Terra Graziani.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df#page=37.
2019. "Geographies of the Truce," Monument Lab. Written for the opening of Sonya Clark's Monumental Cloth, The Flag We Should Know exhibition at The Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/geographies-of-the-truce.
2019. "Contested Memory III: The Rebel Archive," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-rebel-archive.
Republished in GIA Reader 30 (2): 18-22, https://www.giarts.org/article/contested-memory.
2019. "Contested Memory II: Cartographies of Freedom," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-2-cartographies-of-freedom.
2018. "Contested Memory I: Syncopation," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-1-syncopation.
2018. "Black Geographies and the Question of Monuments," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-question-of-monuments.
2018. "Strategies of Banishment and Resistance." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in the Black, Brown, and Powerful: Freedom Dreams in Unequal Cities conference report. Co-authored with Caroline Calderon, Isabel Durón, Danny Foster, Terra Graziani, Meg Healy, and Gabriela Solis.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3mp9h39p.
2016. "Encountering Migration Dynamics in the Archives," Smithsonian Institution Archives.
Read the essay: http://si-siris.blogspot.com/2016/10/encountering-migration-dynamics-in.html.
2010. "This Extraordinary Woman: Portraits of Female Curiosities in Early American Print Culture," The Library Company of Philadelphia.
View the online exhibit: http://librarycompany.org/extraordinarywoman/.
Edited volumes published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy.
2020. Methodologies for Housing Justice: Resource Guide. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/41g6f5cj.
2020. Metodologías para la justicia de la vivienda: Guía de recursos. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani. Translated into Spanish by Izul de la Vega, Marie Leiner, Maxwell Greenberg, and Claudia Gomez Garcia.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3v76q8q5.
2019. Housing Justice in Unequal Cities. Co-edited with Ananya Roy.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df.