2024. "Urban Renewal in Northern Virginia" in Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities.
Read the essay: https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/urban-renewal-in-northern-virginia/.
2023. "Tearing Down and Building Up: A History, Theory, and Practice of Abolitionist Housing Justice in the US," in Handbook on Planning and Power, eds., Michael Gunder, Tanja Winkler, and Kristina Grange. Elgar.
Read the chapter: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2Ei-EAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA211&dq=info:5ejs4GeL6bYJ:scholar.google.com&ots=yZiMLFbiah&sig=Du-HSehqGtCaeIb0hirN6FP6jmg#v=onepage&q&f=false.
2022. "Reaping What We Sow: The Decolonizing Root of Black Experiments with Cooperative Housing and Land Tenure," in Interface: Housing For People, Not For Profit - Models of Community-Led Housing, ed., Lisa Bates, Planning Theory & Practice 23 (2). DOI:10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784
Read the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784?src=.
2022. "Continuum of Carcerality: How Liberal Urbanism Governs Homelessness," Radical Housing Journal 4 (1): 71-94. Co-authored with Ananya Roy, Ashley Bennett, Annie Powers, and Sam Lutzker, on behalf of the After Echo Park Lake Research Collective.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2022/continuum-of-carcerality/.
2022. (Dis)Placement: The Fight for Housing and Community After Echo Park Lake. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. Co-authored with Ananya Roy et al.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/70r0p7q4.
2021. "Black Landscapes Matter Asks Why Black Landscapes Are Separate from Landscape Design," The Architect's Newspaper Book Review.
Read the book review: www.archpaper.com/2021/10/black-landscapes-matter-black-landscapes-are-separate-landscape-design/.
2021. "Book Review - Public Los Angeles: A Private City's Activist Futures," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45 (3): 525-526.
Read the book review: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2427.13020.
2020. "Black Study and Abolition," The Black Agenda Report Book Forum.
Read the essay: https://www.blackagendareport.com/bar-book-forum-black-study-and-abolition-5.
2020. For the Crisis Yet to Come: Temporary Settlements in the Era of Evictions. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy as part of the Housing Justice in the Age of COVID-19 series. Co-authored with Gary Blasi.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3tk6p1rk.
2020. "Towards Justice: A Communique from Los Angeles," Radical Housing Journal 2 (1): 163-172. Co-authored with Ananya Roy and Hannah Appel.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2020/towards-justice/.
2020. "'We're Here, We Ain't Hiding, We Ain't Going Nowhere': How Community Land Trusts and Solidarity Economies are the Latest Strategies for Black Liberation in Mississippi," Deem Journal 1: 54-57.
Read the essay: deem_winter_2020_-_jan_31_2020_-_2-40_pm.pdf.
2019. "Towards a Praxis of Housing Justice: Provocations for Reflection and Action." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in Housing Justice in Unequal Cities, Ananya Roy and Hilary Malson (eds.), p. 37-42. Co-authored with Terra Graziani.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df#page=37.
2019. "Geographies of the Truce," Monument Lab. Written for the opening of Sonya Clark's Monumental Cloth, The Flag We Should Know exhibition at The Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/geographies-of-the-truce.
2019. "Contested Memory III: The Rebel Archive," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-rebel-archive.
Republished in GIA Reader 30 (2): 18-22, https://www.giarts.org/article/contested-memory.
2019. "Contested Memory II: Cartographies of Freedom," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-2-cartographies-of-freedom.
2018. "Contested Memory I: Syncopation," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-1-syncopation.
2018. "Black Geographies and the Question of Monuments," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-question-of-monuments.
2018. "Strategies of Banishment and Resistance." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in the Black, Brown, and Powerful: Freedom Dreams in Unequal Cities conference report. Co-authored with Caroline Calderon, Isabel Durón, Danny Foster, Terra Graziani, Meg Healy, and Gabriela Solis.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3mp9h39p.
2016. "Encountering Migration Dynamics in the Archives," Smithsonian Institution Archives.
Read the essay: http://si-siris.blogspot.com/2016/10/encountering-migration-dynamics-in.html.
2010. "This Extraordinary Woman: Portraits of Female Curiosities in Early American Print Culture," The Library Company of Philadelphia.
View the online exhibit: http://librarycompany.org/extraordinarywoman/.
Edited volumes published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy.
2020. Methodologies for Housing Justice: Resource Guide. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/41g6f5cj.
2020. Metodologías para la justicia de la vivienda: Guía de recursos. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani. Translated into Spanish by Izul de la Vega, Marie Leiner, Maxwell Greenberg, and Claudia Gomez Garcia.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3v76q8q5.
2019. Housing Justice in Unequal Cities. Co-edited with Ananya Roy.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df.
Read the essay: https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/urban-renewal-in-northern-virginia/.
2023. "Tearing Down and Building Up: A History, Theory, and Practice of Abolitionist Housing Justice in the US," in Handbook on Planning and Power, eds., Michael Gunder, Tanja Winkler, and Kristina Grange. Elgar.
Read the chapter: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2Ei-EAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA211&dq=info:5ejs4GeL6bYJ:scholar.google.com&ots=yZiMLFbiah&sig=Du-HSehqGtCaeIb0hirN6FP6jmg#v=onepage&q&f=false.
2022. "Reaping What We Sow: The Decolonizing Root of Black Experiments with Cooperative Housing and Land Tenure," in Interface: Housing For People, Not For Profit - Models of Community-Led Housing, ed., Lisa Bates, Planning Theory & Practice 23 (2). DOI:10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784
Read the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649357.2022.2057784?src=.
2022. "Continuum of Carcerality: How Liberal Urbanism Governs Homelessness," Radical Housing Journal 4 (1): 71-94. Co-authored with Ananya Roy, Ashley Bennett, Annie Powers, and Sam Lutzker, on behalf of the After Echo Park Lake Research Collective.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2022/continuum-of-carcerality/.
2022. (Dis)Placement: The Fight for Housing and Community After Echo Park Lake. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. Co-authored with Ananya Roy et al.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/70r0p7q4.
2021. "Black Landscapes Matter Asks Why Black Landscapes Are Separate from Landscape Design," The Architect's Newspaper Book Review.
Read the book review: www.archpaper.com/2021/10/black-landscapes-matter-black-landscapes-are-separate-landscape-design/.
2021. "Book Review - Public Los Angeles: A Private City's Activist Futures," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45 (3): 525-526.
Read the book review: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2427.13020.
2020. "Black Study and Abolition," The Black Agenda Report Book Forum.
Read the essay: https://www.blackagendareport.com/bar-book-forum-black-study-and-abolition-5.
2020. For the Crisis Yet to Come: Temporary Settlements in the Era of Evictions. Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy as part of the Housing Justice in the Age of COVID-19 series. Co-authored with Gary Blasi.
Read the report: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3tk6p1rk.
2020. "Towards Justice: A Communique from Los Angeles," Radical Housing Journal 2 (1): 163-172. Co-authored with Ananya Roy and Hannah Appel.
Read the article: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2020/towards-justice/.
2020. "'We're Here, We Ain't Hiding, We Ain't Going Nowhere': How Community Land Trusts and Solidarity Economies are the Latest Strategies for Black Liberation in Mississippi," Deem Journal 1: 54-57.
Read the essay: deem_winter_2020_-_jan_31_2020_-_2-40_pm.pdf.
2019. "Towards a Praxis of Housing Justice: Provocations for Reflection and Action." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in Housing Justice in Unequal Cities, Ananya Roy and Hilary Malson (eds.), p. 37-42. Co-authored with Terra Graziani.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df#page=37.
2019. "Geographies of the Truce," Monument Lab. Written for the opening of Sonya Clark's Monumental Cloth, The Flag We Should Know exhibition at The Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/geographies-of-the-truce.
2019. "Contested Memory III: The Rebel Archive," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-rebel-archive.
Republished in GIA Reader 30 (2): 18-22, https://www.giarts.org/article/contested-memory.
2019. "Contested Memory II: Cartographies of Freedom," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-2-cartographies-of-freedom.
2018. "Contested Memory I: Syncopation," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/contested-memory-pt-1-syncopation.
2018. "Black Geographies and the Question of Monuments," Monument Lab.
Read the essay: https://monumentlab.com/bulletin/the-question-of-monuments.
2018. "Strategies of Banishment and Resistance." Published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy in the Black, Brown, and Powerful: Freedom Dreams in Unequal Cities conference report. Co-authored with Caroline Calderon, Isabel Durón, Danny Foster, Terra Graziani, Meg Healy, and Gabriela Solis.
Read the chapter: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3mp9h39p.
2016. "Encountering Migration Dynamics in the Archives," Smithsonian Institution Archives.
Read the essay: http://si-siris.blogspot.com/2016/10/encountering-migration-dynamics-in.html.
2010. "This Extraordinary Woman: Portraits of Female Curiosities in Early American Print Culture," The Library Company of Philadelphia.
View the online exhibit: http://librarycompany.org/extraordinarywoman/.
Edited volumes published by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy.
2020. Methodologies for Housing Justice: Resource Guide. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/41g6f5cj.
2020. Metodologías para la justicia de la vivienda: Guía de recursos. Co-edited with Ananya Roy, Raquel Rolnik, and Terra Graziani. Translated into Spanish by Izul de la Vega, Marie Leiner, Maxwell Greenberg, and Claudia Gomez Garcia.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3v76q8q5.
2019. Housing Justice in Unequal Cities. Co-edited with Ananya Roy.
Read the volume: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4kq1j0df.