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As a community-engaged researcher, I am committed to developing public scholarship and preserving community histories. This has entailed: conducting research for museums and libraries, including the Smithsonian Institution’s Anacostia Community Museum, the Southern California Library, and the Library Company of Philadelphia; writing for public audiences through The Black Agenda Report, The Architect's Newspaper, Deem Journal, Encyclopedia Virginia, and Monument Lab; contributing to housing justice work in Los Angeles, most substantially with the tenant organizing of the Los Angeles Center for Community Law and Action; and disseminating research findings through popular press including The Guardian, KPCC (NPR LA), Grist, and The Los Angeles Times.
From 2017-2021, I conducted research with and stewarded public-facing programs of the Housing Justice in Unequal Cities Research Coordination Network, an NSF-funded initiative of the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. Much of this work has been published in both Spanish and English and is open access.
Additionally, I actively contribute to scholarship in the field: as an ad-hoc reviewer for journals including Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Antipode, International Journal of Housing Policy, and Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, and as an author for journals such as Planning Theory and Practice, Radical Housing Journal, and the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.